Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church Historical Sketch

The Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Tuskegee, Alabama had its origin in 1885.  A parcel of land was purchased by the founders and later a small framed building (about 14’ x 16’) was erected as shelter for the congregation.  This building was later named Shady Grove because of the many oak trees that shaded the area. This was the humble beginning of Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church.


Sometime afterwards, a second sanctuary was erected and stood in varying degrees of repair until construction on the present sanctuary was begun in 1948 and completed in 1955. New pews were added and construction of the educational annex was completed and dedicated to the Lord in June 1970.


Also, in the early seventies, installed city water and three five-ton combination heating and air conditioning units were installed. During the late seventies and early eighties the choir loft was enlarged, a baptistery was installed, an organ purchased and worship services were extended to every Sunday.


During the late eighties the sanctuary ceiling was renovated; new light fixtures and carpet were installed; pews were cushioned; a junior choir was organized; the educational annex and church were re-roofed; a new storage house was built; heating and air conditioning units were replaced; paneling was installed in the educational annex; stained glass windows in the sanctuary; two parking lots were paved; a sound system, VCR and camcorder were also purchased.


In addition, under the leadership of Pastor Hardy L. Graves (served - 1982-2005) the roofs of the church and educational annex were re-done with metal material and a parcel of land was purchased across the street from the church. Under the leadership of Pastor Ankumah, (served - 2004-2014) chairs in the pulpit were refurbished and new sanctuary carpet installed; the educational annex was completely remodeled, an organ was purchased and a 15 passenger bus was purchased. Under the leadership of Pastor Sheppard (October 2014 - April 2017), septic tank and field lines were replaced, furniture and carpet was replaced in the office of the pastor, a projector and laptop was purchased and a shed was erected for the church bus. Fellowship hall renovations included a new roof and gutters. Chairs, desks and a coat rack were also purchased for the fellowship hall. Lighting in the parking lot was improved.


We are not certain who our first pastor was, but most of our elders believed him to be the Reverend Oliver Johnson.  Additional pastors have been (not in order of service): Andrew Walker, Colonel Gregory, B. Carlisle, Dennis Upshaw, B.J. Smith, J.S. Kelsey, Forrest Mills, J.H. Smith, Ben Smith, V.A. Kelsey, A.W. Wilson, J.L. Mathis, R.M. Ferrell, G.W. Bozeman, E.D. Porter, C.C. Garrett, R.J. Smith, V.A. Edwards (interim pastor- February–August 1979), Charles Jackson, V.A. Edwards (interim pastor – May 1979-August 1982), Hardy L. Graves (1982 - 2005), Ramble O. Ankumah (November 2005 - October 2013) and Andrew J. Sheppard (October 2014- April 2017).


After 129 years of service to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we face the future with faith, hope, love and rededicate ourselves to the great work set forth in Matthew 28:18-20.



Service Times

Sunday School 9:30 a.m.


Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.



Prayer (Wednesdays) 6:00 p.m.



Copyright © 2015 Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church

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Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church

2777 County Road 81

Tuskegee, AL 36083



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